They are still coming, was very hard do to life taking over hehe. I'll try and get 7x01 & 7x02 up in the next couple of days :) I'll also be reviewing character by character =]
One of my fellow dart members was MURDERED in her own house today. I'm very upset along with the rest of our dart club. She was a special kind hearted lady who will be missed by all!!!! xx
Yes a totally random post to tell everyone that for the first time I went to the gym haha. I'm super tired now and my legs believe or not aren't sore (yet lol). Catchyas next time :)
It's cute dont you think? I'm totally bored and tired (pulling an all nighter here in Australia). I found the Callie/Owen photo in my pictures and I thought what a good time to do something that your thinking of lol.